Never should the option of balancing the budget take this long to accomplish. If your absent on 3 occasions you should automatically lose your seat. All Parties should be ashamed at this point, you should immediately be made to resign your coveted position. You by this point have proven your inability and lack of mental fitness to have the position that you sit behind so comfortably. The current political arena is a scathing indictment of the same negotiable value based system that Hollywood has. And were it works for pure entertainment, when you attempt to take on governing our great nation, we would prefer less entertainment and more business at hand. We have for, I know, the past 3 years, asked our representation to balance the budget, I suppose we should have been more technical with our "silly' demands, and said balance our "nations budget", and not your off shore accounts. All parties are guilty of the next indictment, "cutting military funding" if any of you sitting in Washington believe this to be intelligent or even a legitimate cut, then you do not deserve to sit so safely and comfortably at your desks any longer, because in the event that it has escaped anyone of you, as it has not been out of the minds of those families of those of us serving, you do what you do because of us, not in spite of us, BUT BECAUSE WE GRANT THE FREEDOM AND PROTECTION TO DO IT. For those that do not understand what I am saying let me refer you to the Middle East and other nations, were their political players are hanging on by a thread. You are simply one vote away from it being voted out. You serve at the privilege of the American People, and with the privilege comes the same responsibility, (not a notion), but a responsibility that the big print giveth and the small print taketh away. The ability of a great leader is to understand the afflictions of many and not just one (you), again not just something that you stand for during a campaign and then suddenly take a notional perspective to while your holding the office. Why are our candidates so easily swayed, because they have a lack of character associated with them. When you stand for nothing to begin with and sell it to the unsuspecting public as the best part of Pandora's box, then you and us will fall for everything. Well most of us at least. When insinuation alone can change your view, then that tells me that you borrowed them to begin with. What I want to see is someone that no matter how difficult it becomes, no matter how many accusations get leveled at them, stand for what they truly believe, and not quit. That, just when you as a candidate, feel as though you can't take anymore, you dig deep and find out exactly what you are capable of weathering through. Can I say this yes,........ because on any given day, I tell myself the same things, "I can't do this anymore" and then I remind myself that there is a finish line and everything around me becomes of point close to my success. At the end of it be worthy of the "notional coronation" and never forget the fortitude it took to get you there. It is those type of people that will grow with the power that has been bestowed on them and not swell with it. The best choice is not always the most popular, and the popular choice is not always the best. Clear judgment and values should at some time enter into the equation.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
The best choice vs the popular
On any given day our great nation and it's people will take for granted more than other countries could ever dream of. Not that this is a bad thing, it is just something that may need to be observed and acknowledged. Why? Because when a nation such as ours has as many options as we do vices, Praise the Lord for this, then we stand before our children and generations before us with perishable values and questionable explanations. Our value system should not be treated like a gallon of milk that has an expiration date on it because then you are trusting time to decide when you will curdle, other than yourself to decide the longevity and the continued success of the greatest nation. There lye's the problem. Not to disrespect the brave men and women who are putting themselves out there for public criticism, those men and women who are running for public office, but I guess if someone has to be openly and legitimately be critical, well I guess let it be me.
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